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Person at coffee shop on iphone using tax app for crypto trades
Michelle Twither

The 5 Best Tax Apps in Australia

Every end of financial year, Australians eagerly await a potential tax refund, yet billions of dollars in unclaimed expenses remain on the table. A tax app could be the key to ensuring you claim the right amount and maximise your refund.

Gone are the days of drowning in paperwork and battling confusing tax forms. With the magical powers of the tax app, managing your finances becomes a breeze. Picture this: no more late-night stress sessions, no more headache-inducing calculations, just pure, unadulterated financial joy!

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Michelle Twither

How to Prepare Early for the End of Financial Year

As the end of the financial year (EOFY) approaches, it’s crucial to embark on early preparations to ensure a seamless and stress-free process. Many individuals in Australia tend to leave their tax return until the last minute, resulting in a rush and unnecessary stress. In this article, we will delve into the top ways you can prepare early for the end of the financial year.

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Michelle Twither

Tax-Time Focus for Australian Taxpayers: What You Need to Know

At TaxTank, we are committed to providing the most up-to-date and accurate tax information to help individuals, property investors and sole traders make informed decisions about their tax. The ATO announced yesterday a number of key areas that they will be focusing on this tax time, including rental income, capital gains tax and work-related expenses.

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Woman sitting at home working on her small business
Michelle Twither

Do you have a side hustle? The top 5 deductions sole traders need to know!

Working for yourself isn’t always as easy and glamorous as it seems. Unlike being an employee of a company, you are solely responsible for securing contracts and making sure your clients get what they need on time. That means you take 100% of the risk, but also get to reap 100% of the rewards.

To help you maximise your business success, here are the top 5 tax deductions for sole traders.

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Michelle Twither

To GST or not to GST: What every sole trader should know!

Many people running their own Sole Trader businesses in Australia are still unsure about whether or not to register for GST. You may be worried that by adding 10% to your prices as a GST-registered business, you will turn off some potential customers. And then there is also the quarterly Business Activity Statement (BAS) to worry about, not to mention the potential for penalties if you fail to get it right. If this sounds like you, then read on for some advice about when to register for GST and some tips on how to make the process simple.

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